Thursday 4 October 2018

Things i've learnt from my ex

Ending a relationship is never fun on both parties, being heartbroken is the worst feeling i've ever encountered and makes me afraid to fall for someone again, but as i'm slowly dipping my toes in the dating pool again, I want to reflect on the things i've learnt from previous relationships.

  • Love isn't enough reason to stay in a relationship with someone.

This hurt like hell and is probably the reason why my last relationship ended, we were still in love with each other but the spark had gone, the light had gone out for us both, I still love him to this day but not in the same way that I did 2 years ago, when we were both besotted with each other. You have to realise that you can be in love with each other but not happy, you can still care for each other but the chemistry fizzles out, even when you try and put the effort in, it can appear fake.

  • He taught me that I am indeed stronger than I knew. He said it and he was right.

This ones so important to me, when I was poorly last year, I gave up on everything, I was too ashamed to go out, too ashamed to go see my friends and I wouldn't even let him kiss or cuddle me as I was so embarrassed for the way that I looked. He taught me that I would overcome this and he helped me become strong and feel beautiful within my skin. He was my rock whenever I felt low and I honestly thank him so much for that!

  • He taught me what I should expect from a partner (be it romantic or platonic). 

He gave me so many good times and I hope I can enjoy such things with a new partner. I loved sitting in matching pyjamas, getting drunk and listening to The Weekend on full blast annoying the bitch neighbour next door. I loved that you would surprise me with flowers and take me out to nice places and show me off.  I loved the fact that your mum liked me even though I always became so shy around her because I wanted her to like me. I loved scoffing our faces with KFC watching Gordon Ramsey and me falling asleep in your arms, surrounded by boneless chicken. Those good times helped create my list of requirements when looking for a friend or a boyfriend. Even if we ended, the good moments have helped shape what I desire in my relationships.

  • I had to learn how to bounce back from failed trust. 

This is one of the hardest things i've had to learn, believing that someone who would never hurt you does. You hurt me, Gossiping. Rumors. Just plain lying to my face. At times in my life, you absolutely broke me. But you know what the amazing part is?! I haven’t stopped trusting. Just because you betrayed my friendship, it doesn’t mean that I will never trust a friend again! Just because you broke my heart, it doesn’t mean that I will never love again. 

I don't regret the last two years of my life as I had so much fun with this person and hope to remain friends, but i'm glad at the lessons it has taught me for new relationships and I hope to learn from the mistakes made.


Thursday 3 May 2018

Dear James

Dear James,

You may never read this but it's something I want to say, I’ve only ever left you a short letter the day after we broke up to try and get some closure on our relationship.... But this is the honest truth that I'm going to write in this letter. I want to remember all the good times we had and also some of the not so nice memories that we have shared over the past two years. I want to give you this letter after some time apart when I feel the time is right in our lives. 

I'm taking it back to July 2016, July 6th to be precise, I remember graduating from Leeds and coming home from the summer. I was invited for a night out by Matt and remember not being sure on going as I wasn't close to anyone that was going, I remember meeting at your old 1 bedroom house that we all squeezed into and had pre-drinks. That night we went into Lincoln, I think it was me, you, Matt, Alex and we met Chloe and Jemma out in Lincoln. I can remember not speaking to you as I saw you as the shy guy that did overnights and I was the morning girl that had just come back from university. I spent the night with Chloe and as I look back now I can see you trying to make the interactions with me, I'm not sure to this day whether it's because you liked me or whether you were just trying to be friendly. Over the next coming weeks we starting to all go out together on Tuesday nights as a group, I'd never felt more welcomed into a group than I did back then. Everyone was so accepting of me as I had been told to be wary of you by Daisy who I was extremely close with back then. Back then I was very outgoing and enjoyed learning and making my own decisions so decided to go with my heart and hang around with you lot.

On July 26th we went for another night out with Chloe, Matt, Damien, Matt C, Nicole and Heidi. That night you walked me and Chloe home after offering us to stay at your place, we didn’t stay as I saw the state that Chloe was in and didn’t want her making any wrong decisions. I don’t know what possessed you in your mind to walk all the way the other side of town, but when I got home I knew that I needed to talk to you. All of a sudden something wasn’t right. I remember telling you how I felt I couldn’t speak to you all night as Nicole was crying and making a scene over nothing; you kept reassuring me that nothing was going on. That morning on the 27th July you told me that you liked me…

I’ve never have been more scared about the future than I was that day. I used to tell myself don’t get attached to people and don’t let them get attached to you because I always manage to fuck things up and look where that had got me today, but as I’ve already said I knew there was something special there and decided to get to know you. It was so out of the blue you telling me as I had never really spoken to you ever only at work in passing, I knew that you had done some stupid stuff in the past but I was so intrigued to know you. That day I asked to come round your house; I wanted to get to know this mysterious guy that my friends had been telling me to ignore. I remember sitting at your computer blasting out shitty music through your speakers and you sitting there and I was talking complete bollocks and you listened to me but it felt natural.

I didn’t want to rush into anything, as I’ve always been known as the girl who doesn’t fall in love or have any emotions. Over the next coming weeks we spent more and more time hanging out together getting to know each other, we were in a bubble.  I liked the fact that it was our secret that we were kind of seeing each other and no one knew, I could tell you anything and know that it was safe with you. We had our first date on the 9th of August we went to see Suicide Squad in Lincoln and I’d never really been on a date to be honest, I was so nervous I made my self try to look beautiful for you and I remember you looking so handsome, I never really get butterflies for other people but that night I just wanted to impress you so bad and tried everything to make you like me. We got to Lincoln quite early and we walked around the campus before getting some food. I could tell you were nervous as you struggled to eat your food and I felt bad that I had scoffed all mine. I tried to make you feel at ease as we sat down in the cinema, I wanted to kiss you so badly but I knew that this wasn’t the time so I slowly reached over to your hand and you gripped mine tightly back and I felt like I was 13 again but it was so special to me!

 On the 22nd August we went out with Olek, Jordan, Chloe, Matt, Laura, Heather, Alex and Callum to spoons I tried keeping my distance from you but I just enjoyed spending all my time with you and in the end we were sat next to each other and I can remember you touching my back and I’ve never felt more blessed in my life to be around all the people that I cared about the most. I still didn’t want Jordan or anyone knowing about us as I hate being judged and I worried what people would think and still to this day I keep secrets from my best friends about my life as I know they still judge me and always want me to go against what I believe in my heart, It’s crazy that I think of that now as I had nothing to be ashamed of. On the 22nd of August that was also the day that we had our first kiss, We had a lift home in Laura’s car back to my house and remember you letting me out and as I got out of the car I thought “fuck it! Do it now or never Lauren” the adrenaline in my body took over me and I kissed you and I’ve never been happier. I remember quickly walking into my house and it felt like what you see in the movies. In all those shitty chick flicks that I’ve made you sit through which I think you secretly enjoy.

For the next couple of weeks we were inseparable, I wanted to spend any free time that I had with you. As soon as I had finished work I shot round yours just to spend time with you, you made me feel at home as soon as I saw you and I’ve never felt more special in my whole life. I made you wait before we did anything sexual as you know that i'd been hurt in the past and fucked over by people whilst being at uni, thats why I try to keep my guard up all the time James, you may have thought I was frigid at the time but I just wanted to be sure that you weren't the same as the rest but you kept reassuring me that I had nothing to worry about with you and you were right. During this time we went to see the circus, we went swimming and I made you act like a dolphin going and getting all the weights at the bottom of the pool and laughing at you not being able to see out your googles and spent a lot of time in each others company taking stupid amounts of endless selfies that I still cherish to this day. But I was so in love with you James….

On the 12th September I went to Manchester with my friend Jess and I was gutted to be leaving you for 3 days after I had pretty much seen you every day for the past 2 months. Those days dragged and I remember us speaking about being boyfriend and girlfriend and on the Sunday that I returned you finally asked me as we sat on your couch and I’d never been so excited and it was the happiest i've been in a long time. I was so happy that it became what it did and it just felt right! I believe that night was also the night that we said I Love You to each other and I’ve never meant anything more in my life. I truly and honestly loved you.

Over the next coming months we were still inseparable, I had the best Christmas with you and have never been more spoilt in my whole life, putting up our first Christmas tree together was so special, New Year was even better getting to spend it in London with my best friend who was also my boyfriend. I loved getting all dressed up and seeing you in a shirt and tie whilst we went out of dinner and sat drinking cocktails all night, you was the only person I wanted to be with and we didn’t need anyone else. A week later I went to the Caribbean and I’ve never missed anyone in my life more than I did for you over them two weeks. The messages that we sent to each other still melt my heart to this day! I counted down the days till we were back together and I’ve never been more excited to see you than I was the day that I landed. I remember coming home and you came running down the stairs and I honestly thought I was going to cry, that night you cooked me my favourite pasta dish and I stayed in your arms all night until we fell asleep watching Archer. I was reunited and the hole in my heart had been sown back in.

14th February was one of the best couple of days I’ve ever had, I’ve never felt more loved or like a princess ever. You booked to take me to Leeds, paid for the hotel and took me out for dinner. Thank you for all of this you didn't know how grateful I was. I’m sorry that I dragged you to see Fifty Shades of Grey and how shit it was, but it didn’t matter as we were together. I remember when you took me to my favourite cocktail bar for dinner and I’ve never seen you look so handsome in my life! I realised how much of a lucky girl I was and I was absolutely smitten by you. I’m sorry for dragging you out that night and getting absolutely slaughtered that I was sick outside Maccies and made you feel so rough the next day, honestly don’t know how we found our way back to the hotel that night. But thank you for making me feel like a princess.

21st April was the day that we moved into our house together, I’ve never felt more nervous except from the time when you told me you liked me to now. It was a big step in my life to move out of my family home again after university. It felt like the right thing to-do, I spent so much time at your place anyway it was only fair for us to move into something bigger and split everything instead of me being a sponger and not paying any rent at your old place. We worked so hard getting that house to how we wanted it, buying posters for the wall to fit our personalities instead of having it laid out “grownupish” as it suited us. We had so many memories from the next couple of months in that house, going to concerts, seeing All Time Low and then going to Alton Towers, having BBQ’s with all our friends round, you beating me at monopoly every time we played and sitting watching every single episode of ‘Can’t Pay, We’ll Take it Away’ & 'Ramseys Kitchen Nightmares'  you can imagine whilst scoffing our faces with KFC and wearing matching Pokémon Pyjamas.

July 2017 is when my life started to change, my eczema became increasing bad, I still don’t know to this day why or how it came about but this is where it put a strain on me and you. I’ve never felt so low in my life my self confidence was at an all time low and I’m so happy that I had you in my life, you stuck by me when I was going to hundreds of appointments at Nottingham and having to go 3 times a week for light therapy. During this time my Grandpa died and I was so upset but I felt like it would be okay as I had you supporting me. My skin got increasingly worse as I became depressed, when I got admitted to hospital I was so frightened as I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I remember you saying that you were going to get a taxi to see me and I broke down in tears, because I saw how much someone cared for me. The day you came to see me in hospital with my mum, I was so overjoyed that I knew I had to try and get better and get out of hospital to be with you. I’m so thankful for you at this time in my life!

A week later it was my sister’s wedding as I’ve never been prouder to have you stood by my side you looked absolutely dapper and all my family were so impressed with you. You kept me high when I was feeling super self conscious at the wedding and I remember looking at you when doing my Grandpa’s speech and I knew you were rooting for me.

The next couple of months were a blast; I tried getting my skin back to normal with not much success but at least it was coming into winter so I didn’t feel so self-conscious. We went to Leeds with Damien, Chloe, Jordan and Alix and had a blast. We had such a fun Halloween with all our friends in Lincoln, we went trampolining just the two of us and had the whole park to ourselves, numerous nights out and hundreds of Nandos, even getting sloth tattoos together!

It then got to Christmas and New Year… I feel that everything got on top of me and you, the night before New Years Eve, I’ve never felt so shit in my life, I wanted to speak to you and we both ended up crying on the bathroom floor, we knew that it wasn’t working and as I was about to leave you had a panic attack on the bathroom floor and I’ve never been more frightened in my life, I knew I couldn’t leave you, I cared about you so much that this was worth fighting for! I still went home that night and I cried solidly all night. I was hysterical and I was utterly heartbroken I couldn’t let you go! I was over the moon when you said that you would meet me. I came back and I was so hopeful that we could give it another go. If I could do this again I would have done it differently...

The next couple of months never really felt the same, we went to concerts and rarely spent time together but it wasn’t the same it felt like the light had turned off for you and that you had given up. James I tried really hard to be the girl that you deserve, the day that you came home on the 17th April really broke my heart. I wasn’t ready to pack all this in, I wanted us to keep trying as I felt like we had so much to lose. I’ve never had so many questions in my head; I mainly wanted to know why you gave up on us. I was willing to-do anything to save us, absolutely anything but felt like you had already thrown the towel in months ago. As I walked out the door I sat in my car for a good five minutes crying my heart out desperate for you to open the door and say you got it wrong, but you didn’t.

The next couple of weeks were hell James. I’ve never felt more lost and unsure about everything. My self-confidence was at an all time low and I’ve never been more depressed in my life. I would rather have terrible skin than the feeling of heartbreak again. I kept telling myself that we would still be friends and we could hang out but there wouldn’t be any love involved just friends but saw that you couldn’t accept that. Yes there were still feelings involved but you made it so much harder for me to get over you, as I just wanted your approval to be mates. I felt suicidal during my birthday that my life wasn’t going anywhere and that no one would care if I died. I would drink endless amounts of alcohol just to numb the pain.

I’m sorry that this has been such a long post but it’s been something I’ve wanted to-do for a while. I wanted to remise on all the good times that we’ve had over the past two years. We’ve had a crazy ride and you still deep down to me are my best friend. I hope that one day you can see in your heart that I do just want to be friends and I do care about you a lot but you have made me the girl I am today. I wanted to say thank you for being there for me, but I didn’t want it to end this way James with you completely blocking me out of your life, I do wonder to myself at times do you miss me? Can't we pretend to be strangers again and get to know one another?  I do forgive you for the things uv'e done, I just wish you would open your eyes slightly more and see whats in front of you. I do have feelings for you and no matter how many times I tell myself that i'm better off without you, something in my heart won't let you go, but if you read this, I hope you can appreciate all the great times that we had and know how much i'd give to have you in my life again. 

Thanks for everything yams, all my love.

Your Dribble aka Sloth

Thursday 14 April 2016

Happy Lauren

Hello, Everyone time for an update, I wanted to let you all know that I'm in a great place at the moment, life is so good and I'm loving it at the moment and here're some reasons why?!

1. Friends
Lately, I've been loving life with my friends, I feel as if I've got such a close group of friends at uni and at home. My close friendship group at uni consists of Sally, Emma, Katie, Becca, and Jordan. I've got friends in my flat but I wouldn't count them as close as we pretty much have nothing in common and they are at completely different universities from me and we have a completely different mindset from each other. But my university friends are such a laugh, I'm going to miss them all so much when I finish next month and hopefully, I can keep in touch with them and still have visits as I really enjoy their company. 
As for my home friends, of course I've got Chloe, Jordan, and Daisy these crazy lot keep me going and I can always count on them if I need anything or just need some company for a cheeky pint on an evening after work. Then I've also got Holly, Aleesha and Daniel from school and college, I miss this motley crew I haven't seen them in ages but I know if I needed anything I could give them a ring and they would be there! 

2. Uni
As for uni, I've just finished my portfolio piece today although I've still got to write a 2000 word report on it by Monday which I'm not looking forward to one bit, but other than the work as I've said earlier the uni life is great, I love all my friends as we have a class time together, whether that being messing around in the library or being bad influences and getting each other to go to Bierkeller or Pryzm when we have an essay due in the morning, they are legit the best people I've met since I've been at uni and the friends I made in first year, we're never on the level these guys are on!

3. Work
Since I haven't posted in forever you may not know but I got promoted to Shift Manager a couple of months ago, I still work part time there but I just love seeing my friends and the atmosphere is great when a certain manager isn't there but the majority of the time its a laugh and the pay is not bad either.

4. Personal
I'm still single which is shit as I want a change and a relationship but at the same time I'm loving having fun and just doing whatever I like, I've got a great relationship with my family even though I still won't tell my mum about my love life! 

The next step for me is to get a graduate job, hopefully, move to London and remain friends with my home friends and my uni crew.


Wednesday 13 April 2016

My Favourite Songs Right Now

Hello Everyone, I haven't blogged in so long and I'm sorry about this but I really want to get back into it and thought what better than to do a post on my current favourite songs!As always there is mixture of oldies and new ones!

1. Walking On Cars - Speeding Cars
Currently my favourite song, as soon as I heard it I thought of James Arthur and Charlie Simpson love child but this song is so good, the lyrics and awesome and the video is even better than I imagined, would love to visit Ireland one day!

2. Billy Elliot (Elliot Hanna) - Electricity
This next song has been suck in my head for the past week, I came across it whilst watching a BBC programme about finding the next Nancy and Oliver. Ive never seen Billy Elliot and was heart broken when I found out it was finishing in the West End last week, definitely going to book tickets for the tour.

3.  Victors - Tonight

Next one is weird one as no one I know as heard it or heard of the band either, funny story around it I was chatting to one of the lads from the band on Tinder and he sent me some of his music to listen to and I love it, it's very 1975.

4. Zayn - Like I Would

Couldn't make a list of new favourites without putting Zayn in here. I was apprehensive about his new album but I'm loving the R&B and Weekend feel about it!

5. All Time Low

Any thing by All Time Low, they are my most listened to artist on Spotify and lately I cannot get enough of them, Alex Gaskarth is absolutely beautiful and I'm loving the pop punk vibe, making me feel 13 again!

6. Panic! at The Disco - La Devotee

Similar to All Time Low, Ive rekindled my love for Panic! At The Disco, as Brendon Urie's last album did not disappoint, every song is great especially LA Devotee and House of Memories.

What is your favourite songs at the moment?


Sunday 9 August 2015

London with University Gals

I'm not going to apologise about forgetting to blog for the past 9 months, I've taken a back seat from blogging and have only just checked up on it. 

Anyways I've just got from a weekend away with Emma and Sally. Myself and Sally came to visit Emma in London as she lives near Hemel Hempstead so we planned on going to London to see her. Here are some snaps from the weekend.


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Busy Month!

Hey All, 

Haven't updated again in a while ........ need to stop saying that every time I blog. just wanted to let you know that I am still alive and breathing. Ive been really busy lately with uni and going home at weekends to work, that I just haven't had the time to blog.

At uni all the deadlines have been looming for my different modules and I'm getting so stressed out that I don't have a clue what is going on half the time! Next week I'm dedicating myself to go to the library and start writing my essays! I just really need motivation at the moment as its currently on 0!

Had some big changes at home the other week as I had my mole removed from above my lip which is huge news to me as I've been waiting forever to get it removed and its finally happened and I couldn't be happier! It looks great now its been removed and it hasn't left a mark either, Im so happy with the surgery it didn't hurt one bit and the results are amazing! But even better news, the day before I had my surgery I got to meet my favourites boys again MCBUSTED, I literally could have died with excitement. I knew they were coming to Lincs FM on their radio tour and I was coming home from Leeds that day, so as soon as I arrived home I got my dad to take me to Lincoln to meet my favs and they didn't disappoint they were beautiful and as always Tom was such a cutie! 

(Matt Willis)

(Me and the beautiful Dougie)

(Me and D-Dawg)

(Me and Tom)

(Me and the wonderful Harry Judd)

(Me and James looking like he hates his life!)

(AWWWW I bloody love Tom!)

So after having the best week ever, me and Daisy treated ourselves to go to Hyde Park fireworks in LEEDS, (don't think like my work friends and be convinced I went to London) which was great is was so busy but we had a great night. Then I met up with my old flatmates in Headingley for drinks, it was great to catch up and I'm glad I went!

At the weekend I went home to go back to McDonalds to earn some more money and then decided to go out to the fireworks again, love going home to see my chummies!

